About Our Firm- We Are YOUR Lemon Law Advocates

Our Firm's Goal is to Fight to Get You the Peace of Mind You PAID For by Buying a "New" Vehicle. It's Time to Say Enough is ENOUGH with this "Lemon" Vehicle!
Amar Law Group is dedicated to providing the highest quality legal services and protection to consumers like you who have had the misfortune of purchasing defective “Lemon” vehicles through the use of State and Federal Lemon Laws.
Since 2004 our attorneys and their predecessor firms have helped 1000’s of consumers saddled with Lemon vehicles obtain Cash Compensation, Replacement vehicles, or Refunds for their defective vehicles; without ANY out of pocket costs:
“I received the maximum amount for vehicle re-purchase as allowed by state law.” – Monica Meglasson;
“I couldn’t be any more pleased and happy with what I was able to get…” – Manuel Ficher;
“I am very satisfied with the results.” – Alex Denes.
Have you purchased a 2015 or newer model year vehicle and feel that you unwittingly bought a “Lemon,” or did not get the “new” product value you truly deserve?
- Are you tired of wondering “what’s going to go wrong with my vehicle next” because one thing after another keeps breaking in it?
- Have you had enough of hoping that, “this time will be it, my car, motorcycle, or RV will finally be repaired properly” and then it isn’t?
- Have you just lost faith in the reliability of the product because of all of these problems?
You don’t have to keep putting up with not having your “new” vehicle day after day while the repair shop tries to repair it or to go back and forth to dealerships to get repairs that never seem to end.
You don’t have to keep suffering through this frustration, uncertainty, and inconvenience.
You deserve not to have to worry and stress about breakdowns and repairs:
“After going through this and seeing the manufacturer’s actions, I am 100% sure that I wouldn’t have been successful without this law-firm. I credit them with not only making it happen quickly, but making it happen period.” – Andrew Wainwright;
“It’s been a very long time that I have felt helpless and frustrated…Your help and expertise is greatly appreciated. I have a bit of peace now thanks to you!” – Carolina Amial;
“I understand mechanical issues can and will develop but its how they are addressed that makes all the difference. Thank you for your firms assistance and are happy to share our positive experience with others…” -Robb Norton
The company that manufactured your vehicle should accept responsibility for producing a defective product and validate the negative experience you have had instead of making excuses or even blaming you.
The Lemon Law and other warranty laws were written to help people in your situation by requiring that the manufacturing company either Buyback or Replace your vehicle or Compensate you and also pay attorneys’ fees.
We will use these laws to be an advocate on your side and to charge the companies for our fees as part of settlement.
So if you’ve experienced enough frustration with your “Lemon” and are ready to get the NEW product value, reliability, and peace of mind you deserve, then decide once and for all that enough is ENOUGH and you’re not going to take it anymore!
Please review our Lemon Law page and submit your vehicle information for a FREE LEMON LAW EVALUATION.
Keep in mind there are strict time limits on Lemon Law claims, so do not lose out on your rights to compensation by waiting, contact us Today!
Amar Law Group in the News:

How Can Amar Law Group Get Me OUT of My "Lemon"?
With the diligent representation of the experienced attorneys at Amar Law Group you are empowered to obtain compensation from motor vehicle companies under federal and State Lemon Laws.
You will finally have advocates on YOUR side to fight for you.
After all, you deserve the reliable vehicle you paid for. You deserve to either be rid of the Lemon with a REFUND or NEW CAR, or to at least be compensated in CASH for having overpaid for the product and your loss of time and inconvenience.
In 95% of our cases these types of compensation can be obtained out of court with a minimal time investment of 30 minutes or less (see our FREE 3 Step Out of Court Process) and without any costs.
Also with Amar Law Group’s FAIR FEE GUARANTEE our attorneys’ fees will NEVER exceed your out of court recovery.
We believe you deserve better. You deserve the “New” Car Value you Paid For!
Our Firm has a 98.7% SUCCESS RATE for a reason. What sets us apart is that unlike many run of the mill firms who treat Lemon Law claims and clients as a numbers game, Amar Law Group, provides personalized attention to each client and claim.
If you have any questions or concerns that come up during the resolution process it is our policy to take calls immediately whenever we are available and to return all phone calls within 1 business day at the latest if we are unavailable.
Our Firm strives to make the 3 Step (1st Free Lemon Law Evaluation, 2nd Settlement Negotiation, and 3rd Resolution) Process Quick and Easy for you while being accessible and always fighting to maximize your recovery.
Our attorneys and their predecessor firms have obtained over $38,823,000.00 in compensation for our past clients by following this 3 Step Process and by defeating manufacturers in the small percentage of cases that have to be litigated in court.
Don’t just take our word for it. See what consumers just like you have to say:
“I’m very pleased how you handled my case and the speedy results.” – Nicole Paquette;
“I was so hesitant to pursue this in the beginning, but you made this process so easy and simple…I can now see what a huge mistake it would’ve been if I hadn’t called you.” – Briana Lynn Burke;
“You recently handled a case for me and it made a nightmare car experience much better. The settlement was fair and the entire process was so easy for me. Thanks Amar Law Group you are the BEST!” – Bob MacGregor.

What Other Defective Vehicles Can I Obtain Compensation For?
Amar Law Group also advocates and fights for purchasers of defective Motor Homes, RVs, Motorcycles, and Offroad Vehicles who have had the misfortune of acquiring products that are out of service for way too long or have been repaired over and over again.
You don’t have to keep dealing with the frustration and despair of paying for and dealing with a product that has one thing after another go wrong with it and just can’t seem to ever be properly repaired.
Here’s how we assisted several RV owners in that situation:
“We can say unequivocally that your help was responsible for the successful result and we would recommend your firm’s services to anyone experiencing unsatisfactory service or repairs…” – Marty Collins;
“You were a blessing in disguise on this, with the amount of frustration and despair that myself and my wife, had gone thru before retaining your services…” – Gary Webster
Do you have a Lemon Motor Home, RV, Motorcycle, or Offroad Vehicle and are fed up with its defects and repeated untimely repairs?
You can say enough is enough with our help.
Please review our Motor Homes, RVs, and Offroad Vehicles page and submit your information for a FREE LEMON LAW EVALUATION.
If you have any concerns or questions regarding the Lemon Law claim process and how Quick, Easy, and RISK FREE it will be for you, please contact us for a FREE LEMON LAW EVALUATION; or visit our FAQs page.
Are you Driving a "Lemon"? Call (314) 641-1121 or Submit Your Vehicle Information Below to Find Out and Get FREE Lemon Law Help Now!
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